This website is more or less a portfolio of texts, but is still a work-in-progress, as most enterprises are I s’pose.
The articles and stories here are provided with a Creative Commons (Attribution-Share Alike) licence. You don’t need my permission to share…. not that the content here is any great shakes, but I’m sure a story or three here will tickle someone’s fancy, and that sort of thing should be shared around. Also, should you feel the urge, you can send me a tip!
The old ‘copyright’ model squealed about asking and/or paying for permission; new models are emerging, and I’m happy to be a part of that. People have been making a living from free software for years, and it’s time free culture followed – and we should all look forward to, and enjoy, the innovations.
But if a topic hasn’t been covered here, or if you think I can help you or your organisation, I may be able to help as a freelance journalist or contributor. The best way to find out if I could be useful is to have a conversation.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments, but also any ideas. Thanks for taking the time to have a look.